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New Year...New Story

There it lies…on the table before you. 

It’s ready to be opened...the book that contains your story. 

So many have been written before this one!

There is one that details each year of your life.

Some are joyous reads! 

Some will make you cry. 

Some read like a nightmare, and you do not care to rewrite a story like that ever again! 

Some are quite boring reads. The storyline goes along just as the reader would predict, with little excitement along the way. 

Many of them have plots that contain twists and turns and will take the reader on a journey they could never foresee – you sure didn’t! 

They are all so different, and yet they are all the same. 

Each story is comprised of 365 pages, except for that extra page that’s thrown in every seventh volume. 

Each story has the same main character. That character is YOU! And that character is me. 

Each year, we begin a new story, a new volume, for the series that we have been living. 

Each begins the same way – with blank pages. 

There are years when our stories seem to write themselves, and it feels as if we have little to do with the crafting of the plot.  

But don’t we? Even when major events occur outside of our planning, we still have control over the details. Good stories are made up of good details. The details in our stories are made up of attitudes, emotions, responses, and reactions. They are also shaped by the other characters we invite in or choose to leave out. And our stories are formed based on the subjects we choose to focus on, 

365 pages. All blank. 

We all, I’m sure, want to write a best-seller! Our dream is to weave a story that’s so amazing everyone will want to read it! Everyone will want it! 

Perhaps your story will be an amazingly awesome adventure! 

Or, it may be a simple yet satisfying story. 

How do we ensure that we will construct the best story for this volume in our lives?  

The answer lies in making sure we are not the sole author. 

We all have choices in whom we allow to be contributing authors for our story.  

I want God to be the leading author for the story that will be written in my book this year.

There are so many names and titles we can give to God. Today, I’m choosing to think of Him as the Author of my life. 

As my pages begin to be filled, I will look to Him for guidance. When I am unsure of which way my storyline will go, I will defer to Him. When I don’t like how the story is unfolding, I will trust that He has a reason behind the events. 

What I know for certain is that it will, eventually, have a sweet, sweet ending. 

As you sit with your 365 blank pages before you, I invite you to do the same. I believe you will be very pleased with how it all turns out. 

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